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Cele 4 anotimpuri
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Autumn coloring pages
Winter coloring pages * Snowman&SnowLady
Winter * coloring page - Desen de colorat cu iarna
Rainy Day
Eating fruits it's healthy! Fruit coloring page
Nina&Nino Comeback * Summer coloring page * Desen de colorat cu vara
Swimming horses * coloring page - Desen de colorat cu cai
Fairy Spring * coloring page
Spring Coloring page
1 Martie Martisor * Coloring greeting card
Autumn coloring page/Desen de colorat cu TOAMNA
Build your own scene using all the elements that you find here.
Print, color, cut and glue toghether the characters in a new story .
For the background use your fantasy!
Desen de colorat cu toamna * Autumn coloring page
Apples time/ Le temps des pommes/ Il tempo delle mele * Coloring page
Here comes SUMMER!/ Coloriage d'ete'
Summer Princess/ Coloriage * La Princesse de l'ete' * COLORING PAGE
Little Red Riding Hood
Bees at work * Coloring page
Spring * Coloring pages with lambs
Spring* Plum tree flowers
Spring * How many ducks are here?
If you like horses see my ebook "Wild Horses"
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